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Moneykingkevo Limited Liability Corporation     
Moneykingkevo Limited Liability Corporation     
Moneykingkevo Limited Liability Corporation     
Moneykingkevo Limited Liability Corporation     

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How many years of fresh water left?
Unless water use is drastically reduced, severe water shortage will affect the entire planet by 2040. “There will be no water by 2040 if we keep doing what we’re doing today”.

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100% Natural

The latest CivicScience polling shows that close to half (47%) of U.S. adults consume far below the recommended amount at less than three 16-oz.
glasses of water per day, while nearly 40% drink between four to seven glasses and just 13% drink more than eight glasses. 

When the well’s dry,
we know the worth
of water.

Don’t let the water run
in the sink, our life’s
on the brink.”

No matter, how much rich
you are, you can’t live
without water.

Thousands have lived
without love, not
one without water

Water is life’s matter
and matrix, mother
and medium.

Some people love the

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